Helping people grow older with dignity, connection and purpose
We are creating vibrant, thriving spaces in homes and in communities across South Africa where elders feel embraced, supported and included.
Home is where the Heart Zone is
'Heart Zones' are senior clubs where elders can meet regularly to share nutritious meals, take part in activities, get access to healthcare, and spend time in good company.
Heart Zones are led by community carers who embrace our Aging with C.A.R.E. approach to love and care for those who are too often forgotten.
Our vision is to meaningfully enrich the lives of seniors living in the most difficult communities across South Africa.

Help us to create 100 seniors' club 'Heart Zones' by 2030.
We're on a mission!
100 Heart Zones
caring for over
10,000 Elderly
and empowering more than
100 Community
What is 'Aging with C.A.R.E.'?
At the CareCompany Benefit Trust, we believe that everyone has the right to live full lives despite the challenges of declining health, poverty, and loneliness.
Through our Aging with C.A.R.E. Project, we apply universal principles of aging well, such as good nutrition, staying active, access to healthcare, and social connection to create a world where we can all grow older with dignity, compassion and a profound sense of belonging.
These are the C.A.R.E. principles that make a meaningful
difference in the lives of the elderly
Social connection plays a vital role in longevity and quality of life. Regular Heart Zone meetings reduce social isolation and loneliness in the Elderly. We want to do our part to restore a sense of community and a culture whereby elders are cared for and cherished.

Activity, whether it be light physical exercise or taking part in an income generating project, is important for overall wellness. We promote cognitive and physical wellness with light exercise, memory games, group outings as well as income. generating endevours.

Everyone has the right to dignity. Our financial support goes towards providing nutritious meals, access to health services, toiletries and mobile aids to restore dignity and quality of life for the elderly living in poverty.

We aim to empower community carers through our Whole Heart Mentorship Program. Club leaders meet monthly for sharing, training, mentoring and support to empower them to make the most impact on the lives of the elderly in their Heart Zones.
Our Aging with C.A.R.E. Project includes two core programs.
'Heart Zones' support community-based seniors clubs that meet at least once a week to share nutritious meals, get light activity, access healthcare and enjoy social connection.
'Whole Heart' is a training and mentorship program for the community carers who lead these clubs.

Why CARE matters?
Aging is a universal experience. People are living longer across the globe. Sadly millions over the age of 60 live in poverty, isolation and desperation. Instead of living life to the fullest, the elderly are facing critical societal issues that are robbing them of their quality of life.
The steady increase in older persons in the population is one of the most significant social changes in the 21st century.
By caring for the elderly, we create a future in
which we too can grow old with dignity and care.
Key barriers to aging well in Africa:

Economic constraints make it difficult for seniors to access proper nutrition, exercise, community, and a sense of purpose.

Loneliness is the ‘silent killer' which plagues the elderly. A lack of meaningful social connections negatively impacts our mental, physical and emotional well-being.
Lack of access to essential healthcare services, mobility-aids, and medical devices accelerates chronic diseases and disabilities which greatly diminishes independence and quality of life.

Those closest to elders often bear the financial and emotional responsibility of caregiving. This stress negatively impacts relationships and self-worth.
'Heart Zones' are real projects with real impact
Our support already enables 4 'Heart Zones' in Masiphumele, Khayelitsha, Ocean View and Westlake.
Over 200 elderly attend these clubs between 1 – 4 times a week and this helps them to overcome barriers to aging well.
We work with with amazing people from within communities and dedicated volunteers to make a meaningful difference in each senior's life that joins us at our Heart Zone clubs.
We’re grateful to have partnered with organisations that share our love for the elderly to bring our vision to life: